For the past four months, I have been teaching a Creative Writing class to trafficking survivors. I started this out knowing how much writing has helped my own healing journey, so I figured it would be helpful for others. There has been a learning curve, but I am grateful for my ministry and creative experiences that prepared me for something like this. Watching the two come together and being able to offer it as a gift for others in their healing journey has been one of the most rewarding experiences.
Here's what I've learned so far:
Storytelling has a more profound impact on holistic health than we realize. Writing out memories and how you're feeling literally helps your brain heal. Creating a safe space where you are free to share or free to keep your writing private is a nonnegotiable. We make a vow to never read another person's journal, because that safe space and privacy is a necessity in the healing journey.
Sometimes laughter is the best medicine. There are days when it's helpful to uncover deep things within the soul, but sometimes, a person just needs to do a couple Mad Libs and call it a day.
There is no right or wrong way when it comes to sharing your story. A blank page has infinite possibilities. That white sheet is the least judgmental place to share your thoughts. It's vital to not filter what you've experienced when writing out your story. By facing the past head on, light cuts through the darkness and the healing process can finally begin.
Every person, story, and journey matters. One is not better or worse. We all are traveling along this road called life, so the fact that we condemn or judge others (or even ourselves) is a shame. We're all trying to figure this out together in our own unique ways. Creating a non-judgmental and grace-filled space is key for healing to begin.
There are people who believe you are loved and valuable, regardless of what you've done or where you've come from. Find those people. Get plugged into a recovery program. Search for a church community where there are people who will love and walk alongside you regardless of your past. You're worth it.
My next few blog posts will share some of the creative writing exercises I have found to be helpful so far. I am praying you experience hope as you engage with these exercises and continue the healing journey.
You are worth it.